Class 83 Monday 6/12/23 Warm Up:
2. What are RGB and CMYK color models? What's the difference? Today:
Class 82.5 Friday 6/6/23 Warm Up: The index of refraction (n) of a substance varies with the wavelength of the waves passing through the substance. This phenomenon causes dispersion, which is the separation during refraction of light rays of different color.
1. What are the colors of visible light, in order of wavelength? 2. If n decreases with increasing wavelength, where will the different colors emerge from this prism?
Scattering is the phenomenon whereby light "bounces off" of particles (e.g. N2 molecules, ice crystals, and smoke) in the sky. Shorter wavelengths of light are more susceptible to scattering than longer wavelengths.
2. Why is the sky blue? 3. Why are sunsets red?
Class 82 Thursday 6/8/23 Warm Up: Fred is conducting a laser experiment on a very, very, very fast train. He attaches a mirror to the roof of the train car and shines a quick pulse of laser light directly upward at the mirror. Hank is standing still outside the train. The train car is made of glass, so Hank can see the whole thing. The pulse of laser light goes up, reflects off of the mirror, and then goes back down to the floor. There's enough dust in the air to make the laser pulse visible. 1) If Fred and Hank were to draw the laser pulse's "flight path" (as each of them sees it), what would each of them draw? 2) Who would see light travel a greater distance? 3) Assuming that the speed of the laser light is the same for both observers, who sees it travel for the longest amount of time?
Class 81.5 Wednesday 6/7/23 Warm Up: 1. Why can't humans see clearly under water? 2. Guess which condition (on the right) makes it easier to see clearly under water? How does this relate to seals? 3. Goggles and masks can be used to see clearly under water, but they distort the observed heights of objects. Do they magnify or reduce? Why?
Class 81 Tuesday 6/6/23 Warm Up: None Today:
Class 80.5 Monday 6/5/23 Warm Up: 1. What would you guess is the approximate focal length of the human eye? 2. Does that focal length change? Explain. 3. Why do we have a blind spot? 4. How can you "find" your blind spot?
Class 80 Friday 6/2/23 Warm Up: Use your phone, a lens, and some paper to make an image, as shown on the right.
Class 79.5 Thursday 6/1/23 Warm Up: 1. Why can't the observer see the penny? (and why can't you see the fish in the tank?) 2. How can we make the penny or the fish visible by adding just one component to the system?
Class 79 Wednesday 5/31/23 Warm Up: Where does the fish appear to be located (in the eyes of the spearfisher)?
Class 78.5 Tuesday 5/30/23 Warm Up: The diagram below shows top views of the same boy looking into mirrors. On the right, the mirror is a simple flat mirror. On the left, the mirror is two separate mirrors arranged at right angles. The boy has one blue eye and one green eye. When he looks in the mirrors, where will his blue eye appear to be? Why?
Class 78 Friday 5/26/23 Warm Up: None Today:
Class 77.5 Thursday 5/25/23 Warm Up: 1. What were the loudest sounds ever (according to listverse)? 2. How is sound volume measured? 3. Why is there a theoretical limit on how loud a sound can be?
Warm Up: What is going on in this video? Explain the physics. Today:
Class 76.5 Tuesday 5/23/23 Warm Up: If you're standing next to a race track, what do you hear as the cars pass you? a. The cars' pitches change from high to low. b. The cars' pitches change from low to high. c. There is no change in pitch Today:
Class 76 Monday 5/22/23 Warm Up: NoneToday:
Warm Up: What is going on here? What waves concepts can you spot in this "wave pool video?" Today:
Warm Up: 1. What do the terms resonance and forced vibration mean? 2. Which term applies to the body of a string instrument amplifying the string's sounds? 3. Which term applies to breaking glass with sound waves? Today:
Class 74.5 Wednesday 5/17/23 Warm Up: Assuming that the string on the right has a length of 1m, and also assuming that tension is kept constant... 1. How many nodes and antinodes are pictured? 2. Does this picture represent the fundamental frequency? If not, what is the fundamental frequency? 3. What is the speed of the waves that are traveling along the string? 4. What wavelengths and frequencies can produce standing waves in this string? 5. Why is it important that the tension is kept constant? Today:
Class 74 Tuesday 5/16/23 Warm Up: What's happening in the "Amazing Water and Sound Experiment?" Today:
Warm Up: How does a speaker work? Today:
Class 73 Friday 5/12/23 Warm Up: None Today:
Class 72.5 Thursday 5/11/23 Warm Up: The pickle, again. Why does it light up on just one end? Let's assume that the salty, juicy, pickle has an initial resistance of 8 ohms. What happens when current first begins to flow? Why does light appear? How does that change resistance? What does that do to power?
Class 72 Wednesday 5/10/23 Warm Up: Suppose you wired the bulb and the table saw (see photos) on the same circuit in your house. 1. What would happen if you wired them in series? 2. What would happen if you wired them in parallel? 3. What would happen if you kept adding more of them to the circuit (in series or in parallel)? 4. Does this fit well with the water and delivery truck analogies?
Class 71.5 Tuesday 5/9/23 Warm Up: Suppose you wire a circuit with the two bulbs, the battery on the right, wires of negligible resistance, and no other resistors. Depending on how you set up the circuit, either bulb could burn brighter. 1. How could you wire the bulbs so that both of the bulbs light up the 10 ohm bulb burns brighter? 2. How could you wire the bulbs so that both of the bulbs light up the 1 ohm bulb burns brighter? 3. Which scenario would produce the brightest bulb? Which bulb would it be? 4. Which scenario would produce the dimmest bulb? Which bulb would it be?
Warm Up: The figure on the right clarifies a formula that can be used for calculating the resistance (R) of a wire. Can you figure out what it means and how it makes sense? Today: