For future classes, check Google Classroom and the calendar above.
  1. Zoom Videoconference from 9-9:20.

Class 55 Friday 3/27/20
  1. Google Meet from 8:30-8:50

Class 54 Wednesday 3/25/20
  1. Google Meet from 9:00-9:20.  This is not required, but please attend if you can.  I will be there.  Expect glitches!

  2. Discuss the assignments in Google Classroom.  Can any of you tell me how you "turn in" an assignment that isn't a quiz?  Do you just mark them complete?

  3. If you are wanting to make up old work, we can do that, but I've been so busy with new stuff that I haven't gotten around to helping people who need to make up old stuff.  So please be patient.

  4. I put a quiz retake in Google Classroom, but it's optional.  If you already like your quiz grade, you don't have to take it.  The same goes for the quiz retake practice.

Class 53 Monday 3/23/20
  1. Google Meet from 9:00-9:20.  This is not required, but please attend if you can.  I will be there.  Expect glitches!

  2. General Expectations for the next two weeks:

    • We will keep moving on, learning new material (after the quiz)

    • I will be setting up Google Meets on Wednesday and Friday -- same time as today.

  3. Try getting into Google Classroom -- I've never used it before:

    • In case you don't have the invitation, here's the class code:  hmyldfo.   Here's a link explaining how to join using the code.

    • Discuss how to take the relative dating quiz.  I will assign it now.

    • Discuss the new topic (absolute dating) and how you're going to learn it -- I will be entering assignments into Google Classroom.

    • I will be inviting guardians soon

  4. The next quiz will be over absolute dating, and then there will be a quiz over both relative dating and absolute dating.


Class 52 Monday 3/16/20


A log is 64 feet long.  Starting from one end of the log, a special snail slimes its way toward the other end of the log, covering half of the remaining distance each day. 
1.  How many days does it take the snail to reach a point one foot from the other end of the log?
2.  How does this relate to finding the age of rocks?



  • Everything is homework, for now.

Class 52 Thursday 3/12/20


The diagrams on the right show some rock layers in two different parts of the world.
1.  What do the buried fish, snail, plant, bug, and human represent?
2.  Which layer is probably older, Layer S (in diagram A) or layer H (in diagram B)?

3.  Which layer is probably the oldest of all?  Why?
4.  Which layer is probably the youngest of all?  Why?


  • Return tests and projects.  If you missed the test, take it during Flex block.  I'm in room C211.  AFter this week, I will enter zeroes for any students who haven't taken the test. 
  • Turn in projects if you haven't already.  Unless you were absent, your project grade is zero if you have not turned it in.
  • Rock dating




  • Quiz next class over relative dating.  Similar to part 1 of the practice test on the last page of Ages of Rocks, Part 2

Class 51 Tuesday 3/10/20



  • Test

  • Turn-in all projects

  • Rock dataing

Handouts/Links: Ages of Rocks, Part 1



  • None

Class 51 Friday 3/6/20


1.  When, exactly, does the time change this weekend?

2.  Do we move clocks forward or backward?

3.  What effect does this have on our days?

4. The diagram on the right shows a cross forming two line segments of coins.  The vertical segment has 5 coins and the horizontal segment has 4 coins.  How can you form two segments of 5 by moving just one coin?



  • Test next class over plate tectonics

  • Projects are due when you turn in your test.

Class 50 Wednesday 3/4/20

Warm-up:   How many days until the spring equinox?  What happens on the spring equinox?



  • Quiz next class.

Class 49 Thursday 2/20/20


1.  I was present at the beginning of eternity.  I will be at the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place.  What am I?

2. What 5 letter word does almost every english speaker pronounce wrong?

3. There are three misteakes in thi sentence.  What are they?



  • If your project isn't quite finished, and you want to finish it over break, you can take it home.

Class 48 Tuesday 2/18/20


1.  What volume of dirt is in a hole that is 3 feet wide, 4 feet long, and 2 feet deep?

2.  A four foot long ladder hangs over the side of a boat.  The top of the ladder is two feet above the water line.  When the tide rises three feet, where will the top of the ladder be?

3.  A child throws a stick across a river.  A dog retrieves the stick without getting wet.  How?


  • Return Quizzes

  • Work on Plate Tectonics Map Project (Example project) --

    • Updated Due Date:  middle of class on Thursday (40 minutes of work time on Thursday).


  • Quiz next class over the features of each plate boundary type (or hotspot).  The quiz will be like these practice questions, but it will be shuffled.

Class 47 Friday 2/14/20

Warm-up:   In this diagram...

1.  Where are the ocean trenches?

2.  Where do the most explosive eruptions occur?

3.  Which area is like Hawaii?

4.  One of the plate features we discussed in class is missing.  Which one is missing?

5. Where is the sediment, and what explains its pattern of thickness?

6.  In how many locations can gentle eruptions occur?

5.  How many subduction zones are there, and where are they?



  • Return Quizzes

  • Return video questions

  • Quiz over identifying plate features on maps and matching them to real locations on the Earth

  • Begin Plate Tectonics Map Project (Example project)  -- create a wordless illustration of all of the tectonic features we have discussed in class.  The diagram should represent one continuous landscape.

    • Your diagram must show two views of your tectonic features, a map view and a cross-section view.  The two views must be aligned, one above the other.

    • Your diagram must be scaled to span 4-6 sheets of copier paper, taped together.

    • Your cross section view must show all of the features from class, except for a transform boundary.  Your map view must show all of the features, including a transform boundary.

    • Mafic and felsic materials must have their own, appropriate color or shade.  Ocean crust and mantle material should have slightly different colors or shades, so that someone can tell them apart.

    • You must show where volcanoes and earthquakes can occur, but you may not use words.

    • Your projected will be graded on completeness (all of the features), correctness, and neatness.  It doesn't have to be super-neat for full credit, but it should be easy to read and understand.  Some of you will have to work harder at this than others.

    • You may look at this project when you take your unit test.

    • Due Date:  end of class on Thursday


  • Eventually, we will have one more quiz over the features of each plate boundary type (or hotspot).  You may use your illustration on the quiz, and also on the final test.

Class 46 Wednesday 2/12/20

Warm-up:   The diagram on the right shows a map view of a plate boundary.

1.  Where should there be volcanoes?  What types of volcanoes are they?

2.  Where should a trench be located?

3.  Where would deep, medium, and shallow earthquakes occur?

4.  Where in the world is there a plate boundary like this one?



  • Quiz retake over properties of mafic and felsic rock.

  • Finish  Volcano! (National Geographic).


Class 45 Monday 2/10/20

Warm-up:   What trends do you see in this week's pressure (black line), temperature (red line) and weather?  How are those trends related?




  • Quiz retake next class over properties of mafic and felsic materials (study page 1 of these notes -- Plate Tectonics, Part 2)

Class 44 Thursday 2/6/20

Warm-up:   At a Subduction Zone, one plate dives beneath another.

1.  Which picture on the right was taken near a subduction zone?

2.  Do subduction zones occur over especially hot parts of the mantle or relatively cool parts of the mantle?

3.  At subduction zones, are there shallow earthquakes, deep earthquakes, or both?




  • None

Class 43 Tuesday 2/4/20

Warm-up:   How are the items on the right similar?  How are they different?




  • Study for quiz next class over the first page of these notes (Plate Tectonics, Part 2.).  Know the characteristics of ocean crust, continental crust, seafloor sediment, and mantle material.

Class 42 Friday 1/31/20


If I boil some water and some spaghetti sauce, which one will splatter more?  Why?




  • None

Class 41 Wednesday 1/29/20


1.  Identify the layers of the Earth in the diagram on the right.

2.  Describe the materials in each layer.

3.  Describe patterns of density and pressure throughout the Earth's layers.




  • Quiz next class.  Study the notes and the practice questions.

Class 40 Monday 1/27/20


Can you identify any of these locations on Earth?  Do you know how they formed?





  • None

Class 39 Tuesday 1/14/20

Warm-up:   Big Questions #5 and 6...

5.      Describe the steps in the water cycle. 

6.      What types of weather are associated with high pressure and low pressure?  Why?



  • Check, review, and video the midterm review

  • Study time:

    • Make study notes

    • Study the big questions

    • Make/improve note cards for the mapping portion of the exam

  • Exam Format:

    • 40-60 multiple choice questions -- 1 point each (includes map drawing portion)

    • Circulation of atmosphere drawing -- 5 points

    • 8 Big Questions -- about 3 points each


  • midterm review -- Due next class -- Tuesday, 1/14

  • Study the "Big Questions" in the midterm review.

Class 38 Friday 1/10/20

Warm-up:   Big Questions #3 and 4

3.  When you make a cloud in a bottle, how what do you do to make the cloud disappear?  Why does this work.

4.  Explain, in detail, why clouds form in the real world.



  • Check for late completion of homework:  Practice Quiz #2 in the midterm review

  • Finish the North America map -- or work on completing the midterm review?


  • midterm review -- Due next class -- Tuesday, 1/14

  • Study the "Big Questions" in the midterm review.

Class 37 Wednesday 1/8/20

Warm-up:   Big Questions #1 and 2

1.  Why is air pressure different at different heights and in different parts of the world?

2.  Explain why hot air balloons rise when the pilots turn on the flame.  Make sure that you explain what is happening to the balloon’s mass, volume, and density -- and explain why.




  • prepare for the quiz next class -- you can use a 3"x5" note card, as long as it doesn't have any drawings

  • midterm review -- Due next Tuesday -- 1/14

  • Study the "Big Questions" in the midterm review. 36 Monday 1/6/20


1)  The closer diagram on the right shows the Earth's Prevailing Winds.  What causes the prevailing winds?

2)   The other diagrams show the jet streams, which are different from both local and prevailing winds.  Can you guess what causes the jet streams?





  • Practice Quiz #2 -- Due on Wednesday.

  • midterm review -- Due next Tuesday -- 1/14

  • Study the "Big Questions" in the midterm review.

Class 35 Thursday 1/2/20


1.  What type of air pressure produces clouds?

2.   Are clouds produced when air rises, or when air sinks?

3.  The picture on the right shows the direction of wind blowing over a mountain.  Where, in the diagram, will there be the most clouds and precipitation?  Where will there be the least?



  • None

Class 34 Thursday 12/18/2019


Gyres are circling ocean currents. 

1.  What causes the gyres to rotate?

2.  Why are the west sides of the gyres warm, while the east sides are cold?




  • None

Class 33 Tuesday 12/16/2019


What can you tell from this

satellite image?




  • None

Class 32 Friday 12/13/2019


Why does the bird keep drinking?




  • Prepare for quiz next class -- draw the Earth's atmospheric circulation, winds, and pressure belts.

Class 32 Wednesday 12/11/2019


Is precipitation generally caused by increasing pressure or by decreasing air pressure?  Explain.




  • None

Class 31 Monday 12/9/2019


1.  What is the difference between a prevailing wind and a local wind?

2.  What causes winds to curve?

3. Which way will each of the winds curve on the drawing of the Earth, shown on the right?

4.  In the Northern Hemisphere, tornadoes and hurricanes rotate counter-clockwise, but the Coriolis Effect causes winds to turn clockwise.  How can this be?




  • Prepare for test next class.  You may use a note card on the hot air balloon portion only.

Class 30 Thursday 12/4/2019

Warm-up:   I am going to fill a petri dish with water and sprinkle pepper on top of the water.  Then I am going to use straws to blow on the water in the directions shown on the right.

1.  What pattern of "ocean" current(s) will develop in each situation?

2.  What will happen to the pepper if I touch the surface of the water with a small drop of soap?  Why?




  • Test next Wednesday.  If you complete the practice materials that were handed out today by next class (Monday), you can get additional credit on the test.

Class 29 Tuesday 12/3/2019

Warm-up:   What is the purpose of sweating?  When does it work best?  When does it not help?  When it works, why/how does it work?  Where does sweat come from?




  • None

Class 28 Friday 11/22/2019

Warm-up:   The diagram on the right shows the movement of air in the Earth's atmosphere.  What makes the air move?



  • Return quiz corrections

  • Practice quiz.

  • Video -- National Geographic Cyclone

  • Check your quiz score.


  • Quiz next class -- unless you like your grade from today.

Class 27 Wednesday 11/20/2019


1.  Does the cloud on the right look like it was formed by rising air or by sinking air?

2.  Why would air do that?

3.  Why would that form a cloud?


Phet phase change simulation





  • Study for a quiz next class, over the water cycle and cloud formation.  The quiz will come directly from the practice questions.

Class 26 Monday 11/18/2019


Identify the parts in the water cycle and tell how they happen.

Phet phase change simulation





  •  Correct your quiz.  For each number that you missed, explain how to answer that question correctly next time.

  • If you want a better grade, fix your hot air balloon project.

Class 25 Thursday 11/14/2019



1.  I am going to make a puddle by pouring some water on my desk.  What will happen to the puddle?  Why?

2.  Does this ever happen in reverse?

3.  What's the difference between boiling and evaporation?

Phet phase change simulation



  • Remember your new seats

  • Quiz -- Hot Air Balloon Calculations

  • Notes:  Cloud Formation , cloud in a bottle

  • Slideshows will be graded by Monday.



  •  None

Class 24 Friday 11/8/2019



1.  What are clouds made of?  Why don't they fall?

2.  How fast will a piece of chalk fall?





Class 23 Wednesday 11/6/2019


Warm-up:   The map on the right shows our school, and the circled compass indicates North.  The wind map shows the predicted wind direction.  Where should we release our balloons?  Why?



  1. Launch balloons outside

  2. Work on practice quiz number 2.  You will have a quiz like this on Tuesday.


  • Finish practice quiz number 2. (unless you have already finished it)

  • Finish slideshow (unless you have already finished it)

Class 22 Monday 11/4/2019



1.  Why can't we "see our breath" right now?

2.  When we do see our breath, what are we actually seeing?

3.  I can do something that will make my breath visible.  Can you guess what I'm going to do?

4.  Can you guess how this concept explains snow-capped mountains?



  1. Change your slideshow share settings to "anyone with a link," and then fill out the Balloon Slideshow Turn-in Form.

  2. Finish (or double-check) balloon calculations today.

  3. Finish slideshows before Friday.

  4. Launch balloons on Wednesday?

  • Next big topic -- weather and climate


Homework:  Slideshows are due by Friday.  Make a plan to get them completed.  You will not have class time for this after today.

Class 21 Thursday 10/31/2019



1.  What will happen if I put a candle in a dish of water, and then I cover the candle with a beaker?  Why?

2.  How is this like a hot air balloon?



  1. Return quizzes and explain grading.

  2. Change your slideshow share settings to "anyone with a link," and then fill out the Balloon Slideshow Turn-in Form.

  3. Work on slideshows and/or finish collecting balloon data.


Homework:  None

Class 20 Tuesday 10/29/2019


Warm-up:   None


  1. Make a copy of this slideshow template

  2. Rename the copy of the slideshow and share it with your partner(s).

  3. Read the prompts on the slides and do what they tell you to do.  Remove the prompts and replace them with your own information, drawings, and photos.


Homework:  None

Class 19  Friday  10/25/2019

  How do balloon pilots steer balloons?



  • None

Class 18  Wednesday  10/23/2019

1.  How does the barometer work?
2.  Have you ever made anything like this in the bathtub?
3.  What is a vacuum?  Why is it important?
4.  According to the diagram, the current air pressure is 29.92 sinHg.  What does that mean?
5.  The substance in the barometer is mercury.  Would this work with water?



Class 17  Monday  10/21/2019


1.  How do people fill up real hot air balloons without burning them?

2. How does a hot air balloon work?  What changes in the early stages of balloon flight?  Mass? Volume?  Density?  Classroom Video



  •  Read all of the quiz questions that you got wrong.  On a sheet of paper, list each quiz question that you got wrong.  Write the correct answer and explain why that answer is correct.

Class 16  Monday  10/14/2019


1.  Should our balloons fly better on a hot day or on a cold day?  Why?

2.  The density of the air around us changes.  What factors might affect air's density?



Homework:  None


Class 15  Thursday  10/10/2019


1. How much weight is the balloon on the right able to lift?

2.  How can we measure the volume of your balloon?



  • We were supposed to have a test last class, and I forgot about it.  I think? 
  • Check PowerSchool.
  • Work on hot air balloons -- add fuel platforms. 
  • Begin taking measurements.
    • Mass lifted

    • Empty mass

    • Time to fill your balloon


Class 14  Tuesday  10/8/2019


The picture on the right shows a shrinkwrap sealer like the one we will be using to make hot air balloons.  When you press the arm down against the plastic, a light turns on and the wire heats up.  After a few moments, the light goes off and the wire cools down.

1.  What is happening to the plastic particles near the wire while the light is on?

2.  What is happening to the plastic particles near the wire after the light goes off?

3.  How does this process seal together the two sheets of plastic?

4.  When should you pull away the excess plastic that you want to cut off?  Why should you do it at that moment?

5.  There is a dial to control how long the wire stays hot.  Why is it a problem if the wire stays hot for too long?  Not long enough?




  • None

Class 13  Friday  10/4/2019

1.  Identify all of the windy places on the map to the right. 

2.  For each windy place, tell which way the wind is blowing. 

3.  For the places that are not windy, tell whether the air is rising or sinking.



Class 12  Wednesday  10/2/2019

1. Your hot air balloon will need a platform to hold the fuel.  Which of these designs looks better?  Why?

2.  What general rules should you follow as you create your hot air balloon?



Class 11  Friday  9/27/2019

1.  When "Fearless Felix" Baumgartner made his record breaking parachute jump, he jumped from a helium balloon.  Why did the balloon balloon look so underinflated at first?

2.  What happens to helium balloons when they fly away?





Class 10  Wednesday  9/25/2019

Does air move from areas of low pressure to areas of high pressure, or from high pressure to low pressure?  Give some examples.



  • **This assignment is 100% required**

    Read all of the quiz questions that you got wrong.  On a sheet of paper, list each quiz question that you got wrong.  Write the correct answer.  Explain the answer when necessary.

Class 9  Monday  9/23/2019

1.  What happened this morning at 3:50 AM?

2.  How do the hours of daylight during the fall compare to the hours of daylight in the spring?

3.  How do the hours of daylight in the fall compare to the hours of daylight in the winter?

4.  How long is a centimeter?



  • Quiz over air pressure
  • Finish making a low density box
  • Design, save, (cast?) print, cut, and build a hot air balloon scale model using CAD.

Homework:   None

Class 8  Wednesday  9/19/2019

1.  What will happen if I put a balloon over a flask of water and then boil the water? 

2.  What will happen if I put the flask on ice?

3.  Will the balloon behave differently if I put it on after the water is already boiling?

4.  What will happen if I inflate a balloon, tie it off, and then place it in cold water?

5.  Why does all of this happen?



Homework:   Quiz next class over air pressure notes and practice quiz.

Class 7  Tuesday  9/17/2019 (short class)
1.  Should we check on the egg?
2.  How can I insert a boiled egg inside a milk bottle?
3.  If I can get the egg inside, how do I get it out?



Homework:   Finish Air pressure practice quiz

Class 6  Friday  9/13/2019
1.  Does an egg float or sink in water?
2.  Does it matter whether the water is saltwater or freshwater?
3.  What's special about the Dead Sea?
4.  How can I fill a jar so that half of the jar's volume is freshwater, and the other half of the jar's volume is saltwater -- without putting any kind of divider in the jar?



**This assignment is 100% required**

Read all of the quiz questions that you got wrong.  On a sheet of paper, list each quiz question that you got wrong.  Write the correct answer, and explain how you can tell that is the correct answer.  Your answers must explain your reasoning in a way that shows you can get the problem right the next time.  For example, if you missed the question "which object is most dense?" your explanation should be something like "object C is the most dense because it is the most crowded inside."  You should not write "object C is the most dense because it has the highest density."  That isn't helpful.

Class 5  Wednesday  9/11/2019
Suppose you're standing on a balcony, and you want to steal the drink of someone standing below.  You carefully lower a tube into the drink and suck up the liquid before anyone notices.  Could this really work? 


Homework:  None

Class 4  Monday  9/9/2019
An iceberg is floating in a lake.  What will happen to the water level if the iceberg suddenly melts?  Why?  How can we test this?



  • Quiz next class.  Study!  It will be very similar to the practice quiz.  practice quiz
Class 3  Thursday  9/5/2019
Why do raisins "dance" when you put them in carbonated water?  What is carbonated water?


  • Warm-up
  • Turn in signed course expectations.
  • Check homework and finish Physical properties of matter
  • Physical Properties Notes -- Filled-in
  • Film Canister Submarine activity --  Refine your procedure.  Watch the submarine carefully so that you can figure out what is happening and why.  One one sheet of paper...
    • Write a procedure for Mr. Stapleton to test (possibly).
    • Describe what is happening to the submarine's mass, volume, and density -- while the submarine is sitting on the bottom, getting ready to rise back up.
    • Explain why each of those properties is changing in that way.  If a property is not changing, explain why it is not changing.
  • Complete the  practice quiz.


  • If we didn't finish the practice quiz in class, finish it for homework.
  • Share your course expectations handout with your parents.  Have them sign and return it by Next Monday (9/9).
Class 2  Tuesday  9/3/2019
This bottle on the right contains a "cartesian diver."  The diver dives when the bottle is squeezed, and the diver rises when the bottle is released.

Why does this happen?



  • Continue the properties of matter sheet through number 21 (complete #19-22 and 24).
  • Share your course expectations handout with your parents.  Have them sign and return it by Next Monday (9/9).
Class 1  Thursday 8/29/2019

1.  What would happen if you made a hole through the center of the Earth, and you jumped in? 
2.  For how long would you fall?
Excel spreadsheet -- falling through the earth
3.  If you made it all of the way through, where would you come out? 
(antipodes map)


  • Warm-up
  • Enter attendance
  • Student information sheet
  • Check to see if you're on my email list, find my website, and see if your chromebook is working in here.
  • Tour website --
  • Mr. Stapleton slideshow  My goals
  • Course Expectations and class topics
  • Name game, etc.



  • Share your course expectations handout with your parents.  Have them sign and return it by Monday, 9/9.
Class 0  Tuesday 8/27/2019 (15 minute class) 12:50-1:05


1. Use the seating chart to find your seat.

2.  Can you point to the North Pole?  How can you find it?


  • Find your seat.
  • Names (pronunciations etc.)
  • Warm-up

Homework:  None