Class 7: Thursday, 9/12/23

Warm Up:  None


  • Test

Homework: None

Class 6.5: Wednesday, 9/11/23

Warm Up:  Velocity and Acceleration Combinations Practice Quiz.  Use this link to take the quiz.


  • Check/review homework. 
  • Test review -- What do we need to work on?  What are your questions?



Class 6: Tuesday, 9/10/24

Warm Up:  Consider the X dimension motion of a pendulum that is continually swinging back and forth (left to right and back). 

1.  Draw quick sketches of velocity and acceleration graphs for a time period beginning at the leftmost point in the swing and continuing through one full cycle (over to the right and back).  For the acceleration graph, the only expectation is that the sign  (+,-, or 0) is correct at any given moment.

2.  Identify points in its motion where it demonstrates some of the "9 types of motion."  Which types of motion does it not demonstrate?



  • Wrap up the ramp and car activity with one event that demonstrates 7 of the 9 types of motion.
  • Check/review homework. 
  • Go over the format of Thrursday's test:
    • 2 short answer describing one of the 9 types of motion
    • 5 multiple choice exploring the relationships between speed, velocity, and acceleration in several situations, including free-fall
    • 4 multiple choice matching graphs of position, velocity, and/or acceleration
    • 1 short answer drawing a graph of acceleration for some event (and a grading emphasis on the acceleration having the correct sign [+,-, or 0] at each moment in time.)
    • 4 multiple choice exploring the relationships between velocity, speed, displacement, and distance
    • 1 unit dimensional analaysis (unit conversion) problem
    • 4 kinematics problems (some relating to free-fall) requiring a variety of formulas
    • 1 extended kinematics problem with 5 parts (requiring a variety of formulas) and 2 intervals of differing acceleration.
  • Work time -- Work on p.26 of the practice test -- we should have time to go over this together


  •  If we didn't finish the practice test in class, finish it.  Unit 1 Packet (PDF) (Answer Key )
  • Review the packet and the test format above, and write down any questions that you want to ask in class tomorrow.  Look back at the problems or questions that you circled on your homework assignments, and decide whether you now understand the important concept(s) that are involved in those questions.
Class 5.5: Monday, 9/9/24

Warm Up:  On Planet A, falling objects accelerate 6 times faster than they do on Planet B.  If identical objects are thrown directly upward with the same initial speed on both planets, on which planet will the object go higher, and how much higher will it go?

Higher resolution drop of feather and bowling ball


  • Check/review homework. 
  • Review the dynamics cart activity.


Class 5: Friday, 9/6/24

Warm Up: 

1. Can you guess the significance of the graphic on the right?

2.  The dimensions of the floor tiles in this room are 1foot x 1foot.  Assuming that 1 foot = 0.305m, what is the average speed of a student who crosses 18 floor tiles in a time of 3 seconds?  Express the speed in m/s and miles per hour.

3.  How does dimensional analysis work?  On what basic mathematical premise is it based?


  • Check/review homework.
  • Run, Hide, Fight drill 
  • Introduce the extended problem
  • Work on the lab!


Class 4.5: Thursday, 9/5/24

Warm Up:  Consider the case of this ball.  At t = 0s, the ball is free-falling directly upward at a height of 10m and a speed of 20m/s.  Sketch graphs of the ball's position, velocity, and acceleration (vs. time) over the next 4 seconds. [For simplicity, use g =10m/s2 instead of g = 9.8m/s2]


  • Check/review homework


Class 4: Wednesday, 9/4/24

Warm Up:  When you're preparing for a test, it is important to understand the scope of what you are expected to be able to do.  For your first physics test, the scope of kinematics problems is defined by the variables and formulas on the right*. 

1. Use some of the variables to create a physics problem that you could use to test yourself in preparation for the real test. 

2. Can you anticipate how I might go about writing several problems for the test?

*There are a few "formulas" that I did not list, because you are expected to internalize them -- for instance.



  •  Complete the rest of the multiple choice on Mr. Pennington's Old 1-D Kinematics Test (Packet pages 17-19).  Answer Key . If you have questions, watch this Video for Help
Class 3.5: Tuesday, 9/3/24

Warm Up: 

I have a dynamics cart like the one in the picture.  With the cart starting from rest, I am going to push it rightward across my desk so that it will hit an obstacle and stop.  Sketch graphs of its velocity and acceleration for the event (from rest at the beginning to the stop at the end). [By the way, there is an arrow on this cart pointing in the direction that the software assumes to be positive.]


  • Check/review homework


  • Complete Multiple Choice 1-12 from Mr. Pennington's Old 1-D Kinematics Test (Packet pages 16-17).  Answer Key  If you have questions, watch this Video for Help
Class 3: Friday, 8/30/24

Warm Up:  Mr. Chase once said that there are 9 types of motion...

1. For letter a, on the right, describe what an object could be doing in order to have both positive velocity and positive acceleration.

2.  Do the same for the rest of the letters.




Class 2.5: Thursday,8/29/24

Warm Up: 

Match each position vs. time graph with the correct velocity and acceleration graph.


  • Check/review homework --
  • Work time



Class 2: Wednesday, 8/28/24

Warm Up: 

1.  Use the velocity vs time graph on the right to sketch a corresponding position vs time graph.  [Assume that motion away from the sensor is positive, and motion toward the sensor is negative.]

2.  Where in the graphs is there acceleration (any change in velocity)?

3.  When would the subject be speeding up?  Slowing down?




Class 1.5: Tuesday, 8/27/24

Warm Up:  Suppose you're involved in a 2 lap race.  If you want your overall average speed to be twice as fast as your speed for the first lap, how much faster do you have to go during the 2nd lap? [To calculate average speed you can use rate = distance / time]  Solution -- don't peek!




Class 1: Monday, 8/26/24

Physics 200: Mr. Stapleton

Warm Up:

Spin one of the "sprotating cylinders" by pressing one end until it squirts out from under your finger.  Try pressing the other end.

When the cylinder is spinning, why do you only see the symbol that you press?

Slow motion


  • Business to take care of:
    • Cell phones into the caddy.  Caddy slots are assigned based on alphabetical order.  I'll give you the order.
    • Attendance -- learn names/pronunciations
    • Around the room:  sign-out sheets, passes, recycling, trash, cabinets (off limits without permission)
    • Do we want to get two more desks?
    • Some of you (every 3rd)... sign on to a laptop -- Username: guest-ehs    Password: guestehs
  • Get the Unit 1 Packet:
  • Preview
    • Of the year
    • This unit
  • Discuss split block times (link to bell schedule)
  • Discuss homework grading.
  • Motion Matching Activity -- do the activity and answer the questions on page 5 of the packet.  Work in groups of 2-3 students (no more than 4).  Alternate group members attempting the challenges.  The point is to make sure that you can perform the motions and understand the graphs.  Questions are on packet page 5.
  • Don't forget your phones!


Online Textbook Reading:

Homework: Finish the questions on page 5 of the packet (assuming that you haven't already finished them).