Recent EPS Handouts and Videos -- in reverse chronological order (newest on top)

* Starred items are handouts that should be kept in your notebook.  You will receive a grade based on your ability to hang on to these items.

Quarter 2:

  1. Unit 2 Test Review -- Chemistry and Cloud Formation
  2. How a Refrigerator works
  3. Basic Chemistry and Cloud Formation 

Quarter 1:

  1. Hot air balloon predictions sheet (assigned for homework on 10/6)   This video explains how to complete the assignment.  Here are links to the answers: back  front
  2. Hot Air Balloon Project Guidelines .
  3. *Unit 1Review  Scanned Answers to unit review
  4. *Pressure, Buoyancy, and Archimedes Principle  Videos... 

    EPS Pressure, Buoyancy...-- #5-7 in notes

    EPS Archimedes Principle Part 1 

    EPS Archimedes Principle Part 2

  5. *Notes: Pressure and Buoyancy, part 1  Videos...

    EPS Air pressure part 1 (numbers 1-12 in notes)

    EPS Air pressure part 2 (12 through end in notes)

  6. *Calculating weight and density   Videos from class:  #1-11; #12-15; #16-18  Scans: Answers to 12-32 Solutions to saturn problems
  7. *EPS 200 Course Expectations (Stapleton)
  8. *Physical properties of matter, density  Filled-out version of physical properties of matter
  9. Student Information Sheet