ESS Notebook Contents

Stapleton, 2016-2017

Order Unit Notebook Item Link
1 NA Course Expectations Course Expectations
2 Astronomy Notes: Objects in space  Mr. Stapleton's copy of Objects in Space notes
3 Astronomy Quiz: Objects in space Quiz: Objects in space
4 Astronomy Notes: Solar System Formation Filled-in Version of Notes -- Scanned From Mr. Stapleton's Notes
5 Astronomy Quiz: Solar system Formation Quiz: Solar system Formation
6 Astronomy Video Questions:  Formation of The Earth Video Answers
7 Astronomy Quiz:  Formation of the Earth. Quiz:  Formation of the Earth.
8 Astronomy Notes:  Star Lifetimes, Part 1 Filled-out version
9 Astronomy Notes: Star Lifetimes, Part 2. Filled-out version
10 Astronomy Quiz:  Star Lifetimes  
  Astronomy Unit Test