Answer Units
1 Distance traveled before pulling weight 3 m
2 Time traveling before pulling weight 8 s
3 Average cart velocity before pulling weight 0.375 m/s
4 Cart acceleration before pulling weight 0.09375 m/s^2
5 Cart's mass 2.8 kg
6 Net force acting on cart before cart began dragging the weight 0.2625 N
7 Cart's velocity just before it began dragging the weight. 0.75 m/s
8 Cart's momentum before it begain dragging weight. 2.1 kgm/s
9 Weight's momentum before being dragged 0 kgm/s
10 Total momentum of cart and weight, just after the cart began dragging the weight 2.1 kgm/s
11 Velocity of cart and weight, just after the cart began dragging the weight. 0.525 m/s
12 After the cart began dragging the weight, how long did it take the cart and weight to stop? 6 s
13 Deceleration of cart and weight, after the cart began dragging the weight -0.0875 m/s^2
14 Net force acting on cart and weight after cart began dragging the weight -0.35 N
15 Force of friction acting resulting from dragging the weight. 0.6125 N