Class 8:
2/11/25 Continue Motion Coding Exercises, and Beyond
- Assignnments 8-13 (including "cleaning the house") are going
into PowerSchool after Monday. Complete any of those
assignments that you do not want to show up as zeroes.
- This week -- if you're ahead in the tutorials, you can take part
in a
class competition. The competition will happen next Monday.
- Competition Details:
Class 7:
2/7/25 Continue Hub (and then motion) Coding Exercises
- Complete assignments in the order in which they are numbered and
arranged in the Classwork section of Google Classroom.
- Units 1 and 2 (through assignment #7) should be complete today.
- Continue with the next lessons.
Class 6:
2/5/25 Continue Hub (and then motion) Coding Exercises
- Jump to Pseudocoding activity -- #18. Let's complete it
together. Do at least one robot code example.
- Continue with the next lessons.
Class 5:
2/3/25 Look at Sensor Data; Continue Coding
- Phones in the caddy -- I can remind you of the numbers.
- Take a look at hub sensor data in the Spike Prime app.
- Work on unit 1 -- Programming the Hub.
- **Assignments 1-7 are due by this Friday.**
- You can fix assignments and resubmit them
if you want to improve your grade -- but you should let me know that
you're doing it, so I go back to the assignment and check your work.
Class 4:
1/30/25 Practice making Videos; Continue Coding
- Phones in the caddy -- I can remind you of the numbers.
- Practice capturing a good video with your chromebook
- Work on unit 1 -- Programming the Hub.
Class 3:
1/28/25 Big Ideas: Begin Programming.
- Phones in the caddy -- I can remind you of the numbers.
- Finish your robot.
- Continue the assignments in Google Classroom
- #2: Connecting and Naming Your Hub
- #3: Unit 1, Lesson: Light Commands
- Continue withe the lessons...
2: Friday,
1/23/25 Big Ideas: Build the TACObot and Begin Programming.
- Phones in the caddy -- I can remind you of the numbers.
- Course Expectations -- Google Classroom
- Preview of class projects
- 1st quarter contest
- Sumobots
- Drag Racers
- Individual projects (e.g. robotic hand, sorting snow plow,
glue stick shooter, forklift, cat and mouse game of tag, dog,
truck with front axle steering...)
- Together -- Set up a file saving procedure and
complete assignment #1.5 in Google Classroom.
- Create a "Robotics" folder in your Google Drive
- Create an
- Finish building the Tacobot. Then begin Unit 1 --
Programming the Hub with Spike Prime.
- Store your equipment -- Bins in the cage and robots in your
- Have a great weekend! :-)
1: Wednesday,
1/22/25 Welcome, get your Spike Prime kit, jump in and
start building the TACObot Robotics
(Mr. Stapleton, Semester 2, 24-25)
- Cell phones into the caddy. Caddy slots are
assigned based on alphabetical order -- the order is listed next to
the caddy.
- Discuss phones and requirements for being on
- Join Google Classroom (if you haven't
already) and look at assignment #1.
- Enter attendance
in first 10 minutes
- Get Spike Prime Bins -- your bin will have the same number as
your caddy..
- Begin building the Tacobot. If parts are missing, you'll
have to dig through the random parts bins. Mr. Stapleton can
- Store your equipment -- Bins in the cage and robots in your
- Don't forget your phones!Don't forget your phones!