Star Trails Questions

Do a search for "Star trails."  Google works fine.  To see more pictures, choose search "images" on the Google site.  Use your prior knowledge and/or web research to answer these questions.  Some questions are tricky.  You aren't expected to get them all right.  Just do your best.  Answer the questions on paper and be ready to discuss your answers.

  1. What are the lines in the sky?
  2. How was the picture created?
  3. Why are the lines arranged in a circular pattern?
  4. a. If a star trail picture is taken in the Northern Hemisphere, in which direction do the circles form? (clockwise or counter-clockwise)  b.  How do you know?
  5. Which stars are moving faster, the inner ones or the outer ones?
  6. If there is a star near the center, what is its name?
  7. Draw a rough sketch of what the star trails would look like if you created a star trail picture by standing on the equator and pointing a camera eastward.
  8. Why did the photographer have to stop the picture before the stars made a complete circle?
  9. If a bicycle had passed through the scene with a flashlight in the spokes of one of it's tires, what would the bicycle light trail have looked like?