Boat Problem and Constraints
- Problem: Design a boat that would have minimal drag
if it were scaled to 12 feet long and loaded with 500 pounds
of weight.
- Build a scale model of the boat.
- Project Grading: Inventors' Notebook
entries will determine the grade for the project. Create
an organized presentation, linked from your inventor's notebook
main page, featuring each of the
- The problem: describe the problem (see above)
- Version 1.0:
- The design process: at least three screen shots of several "incremental saves" leading to
the creation of your prototype.*** If you cannot do this
for version 1.0, do it for version 2.0.
- Photo of actual version 1.0
- Photo of testing version 1.0 -- You can get this
from a screen shot of your video, which Mr. Stapleton
will put on the student common drive.
- Results of testing version 1.0
- Terminal velocity data
- Maximum capacity (before sinking)
- Version 2.0:
- A screen shot of your design in Rhino
- Photo of actual version 2.0
- Results of testing version 2.0
- Maximum capacity (before sinking)
This is the end of what is due 1st quarter. The final boat information
will be graded next quarter.
- Final Boat -- Laser cut version to be completed later:
- Photo of Final version -- 3.0 (plywood)
- Results of version 3.0 testing
- Terminal velocity data
- Maximum capacity (before sinking)
- Reflection on the project -- the content here is up
to you; some ideas are... what you learned, what you
would do differently, other ideas that this project has
sparked, insights into the topic...
- Contest Scoring: For contest purposes,
there will be two awards.
- Award for Lowest drag (highest terminal velocity)
- Award detemined by the product of terminal velocity and
weight holding capacity. (terminal velocity, in m/s,
multiplied by the maximum weight the boat can hold before it